Pilgrimage to Wells 2018
Annual 40 Hours of Adoration 2018

First Holy Communion
Throughout August and September 2023, we will be inviting those children, who will be aged seven or over by May 2024, (Year 3 or above) to apply to make their First Holy Communion within our church.
The programme for parents begins in September 2023:
On Zoom for the parents' sessions
In-person in the parish hall for the children, in October 2023.
​The children’s sessions are on Saturday afternoons at 3.30-4.45 PM.
There are 10 children’s sessions in total and 3 parent’s sessions.
The First Holy Communion Masses will be in May 2024.
For more information about the dates, please click here.
We would like to remind parents/carers that we can only accept candidates who either:
Worship regularly at our church
And/or who live within our Parish boundaries
We have a Mass Attendance Card, and we remind you to collect one and begin getting it signed if you have not already done so.
If you are unsure of your home Parish, please check our boundary map when you are next at Mass within our church.
Please ask Fr Nicholas or Angela for an application form during August and early September at the end of your usual Mass, and return it, with a copy of your child’s Baptism Certificate, at enrolment appointments on the weekend of September 16th and 17th 2023.
For more information
Please contact us by:
Email: uxbridge@rcdow.org.uk
Tel: 01895 233193